What does TFP /TFCD mean?

TFP means Time For Prints and TFCD means Time For CD.

It's where the photographer gives images from an arranged shoot with usually a glamour or fashion model in exchange for the model's time taken to pose for the photographer.





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What does TFP / TFCD mean?

TFP means Time For Prints and TFCD means Time For CD.

It's where the photographer gives images from an arranged shoot with usually a glamour or fashion model in exchange for the model's time taken to pose for the photographer.

If the arrangement is TFP then the photographer agrees to repay the model with printed images from the negatives from the TFP shoot.

Nowadays however, many photographers use Digital cameras so it's far easier for them to put images from the TFCD shoot onto a DVD or CD. This is also beneficial for the model as it's far easier for them to get their images onto the internet.

Fully digital images can be manipulated/edited far easier than prints from negatives and unless the model requires hard copies (prints) then it's generally better to accept TCD.  Prints can be scanned and converted to digital, but there is usually some loss of quality unless the negative was scanned in a professional scanner.

Not all images from a shoot will be good, so don't expect every image to be top quality - be selective and pick out only the best - it's far better to have 6 good shots for your portfolio than 100 bad ones!

Before agreeing to a TFP or TFCD shoot, make sure that both you and the photographer are clear on what kind of shoot it is and remember, DON'T pose in any style in which you feel uncomfortable!

Le-Femme Fine Art , Glamour, Portrait, and Fashion Photography - Models Wanted.


Le Femme -Fine Art Boudoir and Glamour Photography.

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Fine Art Monochrome ( black and white photography ) Boudoir Images. Glamour, Portrait and Fashion Photography. Serving, East Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, Humberside, West Yorkshire. Models  wanted for TFP / TFCD fine art and glamour shoots

All images and material on this web site copyright of Tony Stephenson 2007